Markets operate within bandwidths

Markets operate within bandwidths Written by There are a lot of talks these days about inflation, interest rates, and recession. » Will prices for real estate come down? (Yes)   » By how much? (Unknowable? Perhaps not)   » For how long? (Only time will tell)...

Let’s focus on the common ground

Let’s focus on the common ground Written by Ely Golvin May 1, 2022 You know what, that’s a good idea, but what we really need is… Demand Side Opinion Foreign capital buying homes, pushing up land pricesLack of government oversight in real estateGreedy...

Transit Network Connectivity Crisis?

Transit Network Connectivity Crisis? Written by Ely Golvin February 1, 2022 In July 2012 we landed in Beijing. Over my 12 months stay, the city built 5 new Subway lines. In fact, since 2008, the city has opened one new Subway station per year for the past 12 years,...