How water changed my life

How water changed my life Written by Jacques Lalonde May 1, 2022 Joe Kangen’s Story You are filled with a sense of hope from the moment you meet Joe Andallo (or Kangen Joe to those who know him) and his lovely wife, Shirley. His energy is radiant and healing,...

Let’s focus on the common ground

Let’s focus on the common ground Written by Ely Golvin May 1, 2022 You know what, that’s a good idea, but what we really need is… Demand Side Opinion Foreign capital buying homes, pushing up land pricesLack of government oversight in real estateGreedy...

Devotion & Destiny

Devotion & Destiny Written by HWW Staff Writer May 1, 2022 We live in a powerful and tumultuous time where we are individually and collectively faced with many challenges. Many of us are asking what we can do to help? How can we personally contribute to creating...